Linguistic Geometry
Related Presentations

1997 1996 1995 1994




Berlin, Germany 24-30 15th IMACS World Congress Second Symposium on Linguistic Geometry


St. Petersburg, Russia Int. Symposium on Integrated Man-Mechatronic Systems - IMMS'97 2-hour Keynote Talk Linguistic Geometry and Mechatronics


San Marcos, TX, USA The second Workshop of THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR GENERAL SYSTEMS STUDIES 10 Special Session Formal Construction of High Assurance Systems via Linguistic Geometry and other Methods 10 Forum New Advances of Linguistic Geometry 9 Invited Plenary Talk A Linguistic Geometry of Complex Systems: Theory and Applications


(NO SPECIFIC DATE YET) USA, St. Louis, MO Washington University Center of Optimization and Semantic Control SHORT COURSE Applications of Linguistic Geometry to Control Systems


Cholula, Mexico V Congreso Iberoamericano de Inteligencia Artificial - 5th International Congess on Artificial Intelligence of Ibero-American countries (mainly Latin America, Spain and Portugal) - IBERAMIA'96 30 Invited Keynote Talk Advances in Linguistic Geometry USA,Gaihtersburg, MD National Institute of Standards and Technology - NIST Internationsal Conference INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS: A SEMIOTIC PERSPECTIVE 20 Half-a-day Tutorial Introduction to Linguistic Geometry and Applications


USA, Denver, CO Department of Computer Science, University of Denver Research Colloqium 20 Invited Lecture Linguistic Geometry for Multiagent Systems USA, Clearwater, FL Eleventh International Conference - AIENG'96 Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering 11 Invited Keynote Talk Conflict Management in Linguistic Geometry: Applications to Engineering


USA, Denver, CO Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado at Denver GRADUATE COURSES in AI and LINGUISTIC GEOMETRY Instructor: Professor Boris Stilman Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 - 5:15 Artificial Intelligence (Introductory Course) 5:30 - 6:45 Complex Intelligent Systems - Linguistic Geometry


Czech Republic, Prague IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing 28 Invited Keynote Lecture "Fighting Dimensionality with Linguistic Geometry" Australia, Sydney IV International Conference on Conceptual Structures 19 Invited Keynote Lecture Linguistic Geometry: A Hierarchy of Semantic Networks for Search Reduction


Russia, St. Petersburg St. Petersburg University Department of Applied Mathematics and Process Control 13-18 Summer School on Linguistic Geometry (One Week of Intense Courses and Seminars) Instructor: Boris Stilman


Germany, Bonn Gustav Stresemann Institut International Conference on Formal and Applied Practical Reasoning Advanced Tutorial 3 "Linguistic Geometry: A Formal Model of Human Reasoning for Solving Search Problems"


USA, Albuquerque, NM Sandia National Laboratories One-week intense COURSE "Foundations of Linguistic Geometry"


USA, Denver, CO Department of Mathematics, University of Colorado at Denver Research Seminar "Readings in Optimization" 4 Advances in Linguistic Geometry: Heuristic Model Generates Optimal Solutions


USA, Boulder, CO University of Colorado at Boulder Research Seminar 14 Invited Talk "Linguistic Geometry: Search and Knowledge Representation" USA, Durham, NC Duke University International Workshop Biologically Inspired Autonomous Systems: Computation, Cognition and Action 5 Invited Talk "LINGUISTIC GEOMETRY: A Cognitive Model for Autonomous Agents"


USA, Dallas, TX 5th INFORMS Computer Science Technical Session Conference Computer Science and Operations Research: Recent Advances in the Interface 10 Advanced Tutorial "A Linguistic Geometry for Modeling and Control"



Spain, Alicante VI Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence-CAEPIA'95 15 1.5-hour Invited Presentation


Venezuela, Ciudad Guayana 8th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, 24 2-hour Invited Presentation


France, Toulouse EURISCO - European Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Engineering 5th Int. Conference on Human-Machine Interaction and Artificial Intelligence in Aerospace (HMI-AI-AS'95) 26 Half-a-day Advanced Tutorial Greece, Athens First ECPD International Conference on Intelligent Automation and Advanced Robotics 7 Extended Presentation Linguistic Geometry for Robotic Systems: From Partial to Total Concurrency United Kingdom, Cardiff Automation and Robotics Center of the University of Wales 4 Short Course Foundations and Applications of Linguistic Geometry to Robotics


USA, Monterey, CA IEEE/ISIC Workshop on Architectures for Semiotic Modeling and Situation Analysis in Large Complex Systems, 29 Invited Talk on Semiotic Structure of Linguistic Geometry USA, Monterey, CA 10th IEEE Int. Symposium on Intelligent Control 28 Presentation 27 Half-a-day Advanced Tutorial on Linguistic Geometry for Intelligent Control Turkey, Istanbul Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Mechatronics 16 Presentation Heuristic Networks for Aerospace Systems Control: Totally Concurrent Motions 16 Half-a-day Advanced Tutorial Heuristic Networks for Search Reduction


USA, Albuquerque, NM Sandia National Laboratories High Integrity Software Initiative - Research Meeting 25 One-hour Talk New Results in Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering 11 Half-a-day Tutorial From Search to Analysis: Introduction to Linguistic Geometry and Applications Joint audience of researchers from Sandia, Phillips Lab, and University of New Mexico


USA, Albuquerque, NM US Air Force Phillips Laboratory, Kirtland AFB 17 SHORT COURSE (2 days) Linguistic Geometry for Aerospace Australia, Sydney University of Sydney 9 Seminar on Linguistic Geometry and Intelligent Control University of New South Wales 9 Seminar on Linguistic Geometry and Applications Australia, Melbourne 8th Int. Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems - IEA/AIE 7 Presentation A Linguistic Geometry for Multiagent Systems 5 Half-a-day Tutorial Linguistic Geometry for Technology Transfer


USA, Greenbelt, MD NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 1995 Goddard Conference Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Information Technologies 10 Presentation A Linguistic Geometry for 3D Strategic Planning 9 3-hour Advanced Tutorial From Search to Analysis: A Linguistic Geometry for Space Applications


USA, San Antonio, TX American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Conference "Computing in Aerospace 10" 29 2-Hour Briefing "Linguistic Geometry for Aerospace Applications"


Puerto-Rico, Mayaguez First World Congress on Intelligent Manufacturing Processes & Systems 13 First Symposium on Linguistic Geometry and Semantic Control 12 Full-day Advanced Tutorial Applications of Linguistic Geometry to Control and Manufacturing


USA, Denver, CO Auto-trol Technology Seminar "Theoretical Issues of CAD Development" 11 Invited Talk From Search to Analysis: Linguistic Geometry Applications



USA, Denver, CO University of Colorado at Denver Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Chapter 18 Invited 2-hour Talk Artificial Intelligence and Chess College of Engineering and Applied Science 5 2-hour Talk Introduction to Linguistic Geometry


Luxembourg First European Conference "Cognitive Science in Industry" 30 Invited One-Hour Presentation A Linguistic Geometry for Cognitive Robotics Australia, Rockhampton, Que. Second National Conference on Complex Systems 25 Half-a-day Advanced Tutorial A Formal Approach to Heuristic Networks: Linguistic Geometry with Applications


USA, Malvern, PA The Penn State University IX International Conference on Applications of AI in Engineering (AIENG'94) 21 Presentation Hierarchical Networks for Space Navigation 20 Invited Presentation at the Plenary Panel Discussion Artificial Intelligence in the Year 2,000 USA, Denver, CO 15 Management Information Support, Inc. Invited Talk Semantic Networks in Artificial Intelligence


USA, Las Vegas, NV Third Golden West International Conference on Intelligent Systems 8 Presentation Search Reduction in Linguistic Geometry


USA, Greenbelt, MD NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 1994 Goddard Conference on Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence 11 Presentation A Linguistic Geometry for Space Applications Gurzuf, Ukraine XXI Summer School and International Conference New Information Technologies for Science, Education, Medicine and Business 7 Invited Talk Mathematical Models in Linguistic Geometry


Austria, Vienna 12th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research Cybernetics and Systems'94 7 Presentation A Linguistic Geometry for Intelligent Autonomous Systems Half-a-day Advanced Tutorial 6 Heuristic Networks for Intelligent Control: Linguistic Geometry


USA, Phoenix, AZ 22nd Annual ACM Computer Science Conference 10 Presentation A Formal Model for Heuristic Search USA, Phoenix, AZ ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC'94 7 Presentation A Linguistic Geometry for Technology Transfer


USA, Denver, CO University of Colorado at Denver, Department of Mathematics Seminar Readings in Optimization Invited Talk A Linguistic Geometry for Robot Navigation